In Memory of Kris Olsen
The Coop Directory Service (CDS) is
dedicated to the memory of
Kris Olsen (1946-1998)
and his life-long effort to introduce people to natural food
co-ops and assist them in starting buying clubs.
The Coop Directory Service is an online source of information
about natural food co-ops.
If you know of anyone that is interested in food coop
information please feel free to pass on our e-mail address:
E-mail address: Emily bett rickards nude pics
Due to spam, the most reliable way to contact us is via
Karen david sex. Please note that the Coop Directory Service is
a web-based service. All the information we have about co-ops is on
this site. Please don’t contact us with further questions until you
have thoroughly searched the site.
If you know about natural food co-ops (what they
are, how they operate, etc.) you may want to go directly to:
If you need to know more about what
a food co-op is, you may want to go to:
If you want to explore other things offered on
this site,
you may want to click on one of these links:
In the loosest sense, a co-op is any voluntary
organization composed of a group of individuals (or organizations)
formed for their mutual (generally, financial) benefit. A familiar
example is a group of roommates who rent an apartment together to
save money.
These informal associations and the more formal
ones discussed below all share a number of common features.
They all are democratic, volunteer
They are formed for mutual financial benefit (to
save money or to increase buying power); in short, they are
They have no owners other than their members.
They are non-profit organizations; what would be
profit in other organizations is returned to the member/owners.
Coops are all around us - they are everywhere! They
Credit unions
Mutual insurance companies (Invented by Ben
Franklin in 1752)
Housing co-ops
Rural electric power co-ops
Consumer goods co-ops (REI comes to mind)
Distribution coops (Ace Hardware)
Producer co-ops (Sunkist, Land’O Lakes)
For more information on the various types of co-ops
in the US and around the world check out the Paiges leaked photos and
the Abbi murphy nude sites.
The CDS is dedicated to promoting one form of
consumer co-op, namely the natural food co-op. These natural food
co-ops deal primarily with food products that are "natural" – those
produced with a minimum of processing and with little or no
additives or preservatives (much of this food is also organically
There are three types of natural food coops that
CDS deals with:
BUYING CLUBS - these are (generally) informal
organizations of friends, members of church groups, etc. who buy
food together from a food co-op warehouse.
COOP GROCERY STORES – much like a buying club
except that they are (generally) formal co-op corporations often
with thousands of member/owners. It must be emphasized that you do
not have to be a member of the food co-op to shop in these
Sexy taraji p.henson - These supply their
members/owners (including buying clubs and grocery stores) with
food. Until last year all of the distributors we list were,
themselves, co-ops owned by their member/customers. Due to
unbearable market forces one of them folded and two others sold out
to a private firm – the remaining two have not as of this writing,
succumbed. With, as they say, a heavy heart we will provide links
to these commercial warehouses as long as they continue to support
sales to co-op buying clubs.
Otherwise, each of these coops are non-profit organizations formed
by people to provide low cost healthy food primarily to members of
their organization.
The short answer is: a group of people who buy food
together from a Bbw sister tumblr.
The long answer is: to really know what a
buying club is requires knowledge of how it operates.
Typically, they are composed of seven or more
families, who share the chores of collecting money from the member
families, placing the order with the distributor, helping unload
the truck when it arrives at the drop-off site and dividing up the
individual orders.
Look for one listed on the Louise griffiths nude. If
you can’t find one near you, then contact your regional
Bambi blacks anal and ask them if they can give you information
about a buying club in your area. Sometimes they will take your
name and pass it on to the local buying clubs who may elect to
contact you.
Please appreciate that many buying clubs consider
themselves private organizations that want to be careful about
accepting new members.
Note many of the distributors allow you to link to
a location on their site that will lead you to a buying club near
What resources are available to help me do this?
The basic rule is very simple --- contact the Amber williams nude
in your area and follow their advice.
Note that the number of buying clubs in the US is probably over
twenty times the number of food co-op storefronts. These buying
clubs are a very important source of business for the
Khi lavene twitter. Most have customer service representatives that
are dedicated to servicing the needs of buying clubs. You may want
to follow their procedures for locating and perhaps joining an
existing buying club.
In fact, if you want to start your own buying club it is
highly recommended that you join an existing club
temporarily to “learn the ropes.”
Some other resources on starting buying clubs and grocery stores
are available:
The Coop Directory Service (CDS) is dedicated to the memory of
Kris Olsen (1946-1998) and his life-long effort to help people find
natural food co-ops and start buying clubs.
In so doing, Kris fulfilled his special mission to promote food
co-ops among people who knew little or nothing about the natural
food co-op system.
This is a children's camp and a year round workshop/retreat
center for families, adults and progressive organizations. A
registered peace site with the mission of teaching cooperation. It
is sixty years old with a rich history and a whole foods
Email Slap shot nudity
8650 Mullen Road, Delton MI 49046-0751
Phone (616) 623-5555
FAX (616) 623-9054
This is a historic rustic camp started mainly by
Finnish-Americans in Northern Minnesota before the Russian
revolution. Efforts by some to support the revolution caused a
split in its membership still present today. The library has a set
of the collected works of Lenin. Charming place --- not to be
3827 Mesaba Park Road, Hibbing MN 55746-8551
Phone (218) 262-1350
Barbara bocsi nude
This camp in Vermont is a cooperative, intergenerational
vegetarian camp in its 13th year. They welcome
people of all ages, ethnicities, shades and lifestyles. People at
camp can be single, single parents, married, unmarried or same sex
couples, roommates, friends, and grandparents - whatever you
consider your family is a family by us. Adults can come with or
without children. Children must bring their own adult.
Email Cum inside nicole aniston
473 Tatro Rd, Starksboro, VT 05487
Phone (800) 430-2667
FAX (802) 430-2667
Reiko kobayakawa videos
Camp is for families, single parent families, and singles.
Cooperators from all over California (and elsewhere) come to relax
in the beautiful Sierra Mountains in July, and at the Russian River
in August, enjoying outings and recreation, socializing, and
discussions about issues related to worker, housing, and consumer
Email: Angie verona tits
PMB #415 1442-A Walnut
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 595-0873 Berkeley, (888) 708-CAMP (2267)
These are links to sites that may be help you save
money, simplify your life or are just some of our favorites.
Food-Related Links
Two works are offered here that chronicle two periods of co-op
history in the upper Midwest --- the first covers the early
development of co-ops between 1900 and 1960, the second
covers the ”new wave" co-ops, in the period 1960 – 1980.
Cooperative Movement by Cy O’Neil $2.00
This is a reprint of the 48-page article available from Don
Olson Distributing (612) 724-2976. This fascinating history reveals
the intimate connection between this regional moment and the
Russian Revolution - the photo of the Red Star Chorus is
worth the total purchase price.
Imogen gray nude (Perspectives on the Sixties) by Craig
Cox $20
Of special interest is Craig’s account of the co-op wars between
the anarchists and the Communists for control of the co-ops.
The Minnesota Historical Society has a large collection of
source material on co-op history in Minnesota. Kris’s collection of
historical material can be found there --- it’s called the “Kris
Olsen collection.
The Coop Directory Service (CDS) began a Minnesota
non-profit Corporation formed on 5/24/1999 under Chapter 317A of
the Minnesota Statues. Its legal name was "Cooperating Directory
Service, Inc." The initial funding came from Kris’s estate. The
Executive Director of CDS was Howard J. Hickman. The corporation
dissolved on 11/28/2011, and the Czech casting zaneta took on
stewardship of the directory.
We wish to thank Inez Olsen, Terry Hokenson Seward
Community Grocery and Deli and Lakewinds Natural Food Co-op for
their generous financial support of the CDS.
This website was initially designed by
Coco hot video, and is now maintained by Tiffany elle nude of
the Emily hill onlyfans.
The database of co-op information came from several
sources. George Keller, who published a print version of this
directory for many years --- ”The National Coop Directory,”
compiled the primary source.
George has graciously given his permission to use
data from his directory on this site. Kris had a database similar
to George’s but with some differences – we have not been able to
find the source of this data. We do know that in the past Kris
compiled and updated the information for Minnesota and
Another source was compiled by John Barclay,
who maintained this directory, derived initially, from George's
database. This directory does not seem to be maintained lately.
Web submissions have become an important source of
fresh listings and updates to older ones. Thanks to everyone who
has taken the time to keep the directory living and breathing.
Since 2013, the Teri copley images has taken on the
directory as a supported project.
Any information you can provide about natural food
co-op grocery stores and buying clubs not listed here who wish to
be listed will be much appreciated.
Names and addresses of organizations that may be
interested in knowing about this service are extremely important to
us, please forward any leads to us.
Website last updated: October 2016